Upload Files & Production Guidelines
Send/Upload Files
E-Mail Attachments to artwork@starledprint.ca (under 2MB)
FTP Upload: Host: ftp.starledprint.ca / User ID: star@starledprint.ca / Password: 45ddfe3
A private account can be set up if a client wishes to keep uploaded files confidential. In this case it will be required that the client send us an e-mail including company name, preferred user-id and password.
We recommend the following FTP software applications*: Fetch (Mac) or CuteFTP (PC)
If Using Microsoft Internet Explorer(IE) click here.
File Specifications
We accept RGB, CMYK, Greyscale, and B/W
Scanned or bitmap images must be between 100 dpi and 150 dpi (preferred) when at 100% final size (e.g. if a Quark document is set up as 20″x40″ and the required print size is 200%, the image will need to be at 300 dpi)
A colour or B/W laser proof is required
A printed swatch is required for critical colour matching. The result will be close but not 100%.
For special panel and tradeshow booth file setup, please contact our sales rep or technical support for more information.
Media Guidelines
Fonts (Macintosh or PC): Screen and printer fonts required for output should be converted to outlines Artwork (Macintosh or PC):
Include all linked images in QuarkXPress or InDesign
Embed all images in Illustrator
PDF must have embedded fonts and distilled with Hi-Res images (please use our PDF job options file to create your PDF)
We support the most common graphic software applications for Mac and PC.
* Disclaimer: Star Signage + Display has no affiliation with either Globalscape Inc. (the makers of Cute FTP) or with Fetch Softworks (the makers of Fetch FTP) and is therefore not liable for the performance of their products. All concerns pertaining to these products should be addressed directly to the maker of the product. Our recommendation is based on personal experience with these products and is not a paid endorsement.